Survey: Consumers don’t know the benefits of 4G, two-thirds won’t upgrade

Jun 22, 2011   //   by admin   //   Blog, Media blog  //  No Comments

by David Silverberg

The smartphone market may soon be buzzing with 4G devices, but a recent study found many consumers aren’t aware of why this next-gen technology is any better than its predecessor.

Almost half of respondents “can’t currently identify the main benefits of 4G networks,” according to survey results from Morpace. The fourth generation of cellular wireless standards may be getting a lot of press, but only 18 percent of consumers have smartphone with 4G capabilities.

If consumers were looking to buy a 4G phone, what’s the main deciding factor? Nearly two-thirds said price was a key determinant, followed by network capabilities (58 percent) and touchscreen features (51 percent).

However, smartphone lovers might not be so keen on going the 4G route anytime soon. “At 34 percent, a minority of consumers say they are likely to upgrade to a 4G phone before the expiration of their current contract,” Morpace writes.

The survey provided some recommendations for 4G marketers. “It is obvious that a targeted communication plan about what 4G is and how consumers benefit could increase revenue streams from 4G networks,” Morpace suggests, adding, “cellular phone service providers who are willing to invest in their technology and educate consumers, coupled with a significant increase in network sizes will increase their market share.”

Photo by Brandon Shigeta

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